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A Medical Information, Advocacy and Mediation Provider


Overview of Purpose

Individuals and organisations sometimes need:

  1. A better understanding of medical topics (like clinical evaluation, diagnosis and treatment) and want to know the significance of what they are told (or not told) by medical practitioners;
  2. To ask about the suitability and appropriateness of medical case handling in the light of accepted knowledge, published research and the latest international practice;
  3. To know who is the most appropriate physician, surgeon and hospital (worldwide) for managing a particular medical condition;
  4. To know which centres of excellence have the most experience and the best track record of success; and
  5. Independent medical information about technical medical subjects in a form that will facilitate their decision making.

Individuals, media companies, lawyers and insurers sometimes need the latest medical information and its independent appraisal (its context, accuracy, reliability, appropriateness and significance). Without a medical education and clinical experience, few can gain a sufficient understanding of clinical data.

Some may wish to be accompanied by a knowledgeable mediator during their consultations with doctors.

Medicauseinfo reports appraise the medical information available and summarise what is pertinent to a specific case or defined purpose.

All information provided will be free of political considerations and thus independent of the attitudes and opinions of the UK medical profession and the NHS (in the UK).

Medicause Objectives

  1. (a) To provide a medical information service for organisations and adults (age > 18-years), completely independent of the UK medical profession and NHS, providing relevant medical information, research, analysis and comment on medical matters that concern patients and their families and others who find themselves inadequately informed, in disagreement with registered medical professionals, and who seek independent guidance on the medical matters that concern them.

(b) To publish books, podcasts, Kindle files and other digital materials pertinent to medical education and the understanding of medical matters by the public.

(c)  What MediCause does not provide is the diagnosis, care and treatment of illnesses, diseases, infections or to assess the wellbeing of patients. It does not provide registered medical or legal services (those legitimately provided in the UK only by certificated practitioners). One purpose is to comment on such activities and to liaise with medical practitioners if instructed to do so, and if thought advisable.

  1. Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services are provided by experienced physicians and surgeons (with at least 35-years-experience in medical practice), some of whom may no longer be in registered medical practice (retired or otherwise). The providers of medical information will all hold medical degrees from accredited universities.
  2. Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services may be provided to adults only via the telephone, the internet, messaging services, or in person.
  3. MediCause safeguarding principles will be in operation in all cases at all times (see Addendum 1).
  4. Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services can include comment on the conduct and analysis of clinical progress in the hands of the medical, nursing, medico-legal professions and the NHS.
  5. Businesses, interested individuals, their relatives or legal representatives can commission a medical information report which surveys the latest medical information and includes the result of worldwide clinical research and its analysis.
  6. Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services may involve the review and critique of the performance of medical professionals, medical institutions, and medical government bodies (GMC, CQC, PSA) using only evidence-based, verified information.  
  7. MediCause assessments will include scrutiny of data appropriateness, data validity and accuracy as well as the absence, pertinence and appropriateness of relevant meta-data.
  8. MediCause is not engaged in disease management or prevention (except for general prophylactic advice available in the public domain), medical diagnosis or the treatment of disease. MediCause recognises the legal right of the GMC to restrict such services to the doctors they register. (Medical Act 1983).
  9. MediCause reserves the right to refuse its services to any individual or organisation.
  10. Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services may include suggestions of practicable clinical significance. If so, it will be deemed obligatory for those who receive such information to discuss any issues raised with their medical practitioner (one of their choice, or one in charge of managing their case) before considering implementation or any further action.
  11. Because the work of MediCause is independent of the UK medical profession and the NHS in the UK, and is not providing preventative, diagnostic or treatment services, it cannot accept any responsibility for the clinical consequences for the information and advocacy it provides.
  12. Should a registered medical practitioner be engaged for information on behalf of MediCause, they will be deemed personally liable for any information they give containing medical advice and its consequences.
  13. Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services will be restricted to those adult persons and organisations deemed capable of discussing and fully understanding the information provided.
  14. Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services will be restricted to those judged to have a legitimate reason for medical information independent of the UK medical profession and NHS (employers, lawyers, patients, their families and guardians).


  1. Fees charged by MediCause for information, advocacy and mediation services apply only to adults and organisations.
  2. Medicause charges will be calculated on the hourly rate charged by the medical experts engaged. In agreed instances a one-off commissioning fee (via our website) will be charged, together with a telephone call rate (via a premium rate phone-paid service as regulated by the Phone-paid Services Authority). The service may be made available to annual subscribers.  On a discretionary basis, Medicause information, advocacy and mediation services will be available only to those appropriately refereed.
  3. Those who elect to become subscribers have the option to pay monthly or annually.

Addendum 1

MediCause Six Safeguarding Principles

The following six key principles underpin our adult safeguarding:

Principle 1:  Empowerment

People should be supported and encouraged to make their own decisions. This will be done by: " making services personal " giving people choice and control over their decisions " asking people what they want the outcome to be. Clients are asked what they want to happen and safeguarding will be planned round this.

Principle 2:  Prevention

Organisations should work together to stop abuse before it happens by: " raising awareness about abuse and neglect " training staff appropriately " making sure clear, simple and accessible information is available about abuse and where people can get help. Clients will get clear and simple information about what abuse is and who to ask for help.

Principle 3:  Proportionality

When dealing with abuse situations our services will ensure that a risk assessment is done.  Any response should be appropriate to the risk presented. Our services will respect the person, think about what is best for them and only get involved as much as needed. We are concerned about what is best for our clients and will only get involved when we need to.

Principle 4:  Protection

Our clients must know what to do when abuse has happened by: " knowing what to do if there are concerns " knowing how to stop the abuse " knowing where to seek help and support for those at risk Clients can get involved in the safeguarding as much or as little as they wish.

Principle 5:  Partnership

We will attempt to work in partnership with other organisations, but only when directed to do so. Client personal information will remain confidential and shared only it when it helps to keep the client safe, or if ordered by a court to reveal specified  information.

Principle 6:  Accountability

Safeguarding is everybody's business. We are all accountable as individuals, services and as organisations. Roles and responsibilities must be clear so that people can see and check how safeguarding is done.